Our Story

Our Story

What We Believe

Burke Presbyterian Church proclaims the Lordship of Jesus Christ, the authority of the Scripture, and the priesthood of all believers. We are a family of faith that believes in the sovereignty of God and that Jesus Christ is lord of the conscience of each member. We come together to worship…


Burke Presbyterian Church is organized and governed in accordance with the principles outlined by the Presbyterian Church (USA). BPC is truly blessed with immensely talented and committed people wholly dedicated to the mission of the Church.

Our History

In 1978, the National Capital Presbytery announced its intention to develop a new church in Burke, Va. That summer, an advertisement appeared in the local newspaper, the Burke Herald, inviting people to a vesper gathering at the Burke…


You’ll find Burke Presbyterian Church offers warm hospitality and a welcoming spirit. We value diversity, inclusion, and respect for everyone; all are welcome here. You are invited to join us, either in person or online.