We’re thrilled to welcome The Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, author and Director of the PC(USA) Office of Public Witness, to Burke Presbyterian Church on November 19. Rev. Hawkins will preach at both worship services, lead an adult Sunday School class, and give a book talk after the second service.

Information for children and youth
- Childcare for preschool and younger is available throughout the morning, during Sunday School and both worship services, on the lower level.
- Older children are invited to begin worship with their families and then, following the children’s message, transition to Stepping Stones (preschoolers) or Godly Play (kindergarten and older). Children are always welcome to remain in the Meeting House with their families.
- Sunday School is offered for all ages, 10:15-11:00am. Please check the Gathering Space for class locations.
Questions? Please contact the church office, 703-764-0456 or office@BurkePresChurch.org.