Events Calendar

August 2025

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Tuesday Morning Bible Study

This study group selects a book of the Bible, and then they read and discuss it a few verses or a chapter at a time. Space for silence is welcome, and there is no deadline to finish. Also, no prerequisites, and no homework! They meet most Tuesday mornings from 10:00 to 11:00am, in the BPC Library and on Zoom. All are welcome! For more information, contact Sherrie Brady via the church office (703-764-0456 or

The Fix It Team

A dedicated group who bring their unique talents to help fix and problem solve plumbing, electrical, building (and more) solutions, every Tuesday. When they are done working they head to lunch for continued fellowship. They meet most Tuesday mornings at 10:00am as your schedule allows. All are welcome! For more information, contact BJ Postlewaite via the church office (703-764-0456 or

AA Meeting

An Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) group meets at BPC on Thursdays from 8:30 to 9:30 pm. To access the meeting room, enter the building through a single side door, just around the corner from the main entrance. Walk straight through a large room (the main entrance doors will be on your left) to the East Wing classrooms. The group meets in a double room, E4/E5. For more information, visit the group’s meeting page on the Virginia Alcoholics Anonymous website.

Community Meals

After the successful efforts for the Hypothermia Shelter last winter, we are continuing our outreach by supporting FACETS hot meals program. FACETS is a local organization that supports people in vulnerable situations. Our community meals team will be preparing 150 meals for the FACETS van to transport to people in need. We will continue this on the first Wednesday of every month. There are many different ways that you and your family can be part of this relatively new ministry…