This Lent, we are focusing on the life and faith of one of Jesus’ most famous disciples. In Peter, we see a person who is both steadfast and unsteady, a dear friend and a betrayer, a follower and a wanderer. In Peter, we often see ourselves. By following Peter’s journey, we watch the story of Jesus unfold through the eyes of a very normal human trying to figure it all out—just like us.
We hope you will join us for Sunday service in Lent, on February 18, 25 and March 3, 10 and 17. Our in-person services are at 9:00am and 11:15am. We also offer the 11:15 service online, through Zoom and YouTube.

Please contact the church office, at 703-764-0456 or, for more information.
Graphic Design by Rev. Lauren Wright Pittman | A Sanctified Art LLC |