Our spring sermon series is Show Me Love.
Christians often think we are known for being loving. But, in a recent study of the religious landscape of our country, many people have left churches because they did not feel love there. They see Christians on the news promoting exclusion and violence. However, the church started on the foundation of radical love. This series will explore the contours of what love requires and how that shapes our lives, our relationships, and our world.
April 7 – Love takes work.
April 14 – Love shapes our identity. (With guest choir, GenOut Chorus)
April 21 – Love takes us outside our comfort zone.
April 28 – Love is bigger than us.
May 5 – Love is gift and command.

Join us on Sunday mornings for worship and Sunday School!
- Two worship services, at 9:00am (in person) and 11:15am (in person and online)
- Sunday School for all ages, between services, 10:15-11:00am. See Events Calendar for details. Class locations are posted in the Gathering Space.
- Childcare for preschool and younger is available throughout the morning, during Sunday School and worship.
For more information, contact the church office at 703-764-0456 or office@BurkePresChurch.org.