Each year, BPC hosts an auction of goods and services provided by members of the church. All proceeds to go our partners in ministry in Kibwezi, Kenya. The auction is all online and runs for just seven days: September 24 through October 1. We hope you will bid early and often! Asante sana . . . thank you very much!

Please contact the church office (703-764-0456 or office@BurkePresChurch.org) with any questions.
About BPC’s Kibwezi Kenya Partnership
Since 1987, Burke Presbyterian Church and Kibwezi Bethel Church have built a partnership based upon mutual trust, faith, and respect. Through letters and visits, we have developed a list of ways we could assist one another in achieving God’s purpose.
In East Africa where educational opportunity is limited, The Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) has made the church and the vocational school a primary mission focus in this arid land of subsistence farming and survival living. We have joined the PCEA in providing resources for the church and technical school. More recently, we have added financial support for the needs of 17 Nendeni (bush) churches, for the hiring of three (of six) full-time evangelists, as well as daily meals, construction, and curriculum support for six preschools. During this time of drought, we have also added food support for those in need in the community, and this effort is responsibly managed by the Pastor in Kibwezi.
Although this silent auction is directed to the above mission projects, it is important to note that we also provide financial assistance, guidance, and prayer for the Burke/Kibwezi Tumaini Orphan Care Program. The Tumaini Orphan Care Program (TOCP) supports the educational and personal needs of 35 Kenyan orphans each year. Their extended families receive beans and maize food support from the Kenyan social worker we employ to manage the project. Water borne disease is prevalent; we also supply clean water systems to enhance health and well-being. The TOCP is primarily supported by our annual Mother’s Day appeal.