Special Offering for Malawi through April 30
Our congregation has had, and continues to have, a vital relationship with the people of Malawi through financial and spiritual support of medical and educational mission co-workers. Now our friends again need our help.

Cyclone Freddy, perhaps the worst on record for most accumulated cyclone energy (ACE), a measure based on a storm’s wind strength over its lifetime, severely affected Malawi in March, causing massive death and destruction. After the storm ripped through southern Malawi, the number of dead or missing is now well over 1,000. Over half million people were left without shelter or sanitation, further complicating an already difficult outbreak of cholera that has claimed 1,600 lives in the past year.

Through Sunday, April 30, 2023, the BPC Mission Committee is sponsoring a special collection for Malawi to respond to emergency needs (food, water, sanitation, hygiene, shelter) while offering possible support for a long-term reconstruction and rehabilitation. The Synod of Blantyre of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian has made an appeal for this emergency support.

You can contribute online or by check made payable to BPC (please note “Malawi offering” in the memo line). Please mail any checks to the church office or leave them in the offering plate on a Sunday morning.

Let us join together to help our brothers and sisters!

If you have questions or would like more information, please get in touch with James Munthali. You can write to him at office@BurkePresChurch.org.