Mission (Page 2)

Peace & Global Witness Offering

On Sunday, September 3, we will begin receiving the Peace & Global Witness offering.  We’re living in challenging times, full of anxiety and discord. The Peace & Global Witness offering enables the churches in our denomination to promote the Peace of Christ by addressing systems of conflict and injustice across the world. Your contributions will support the global witness of Christ’s peace. This offering also enables ministries of peace and reconciliation and advocacy for peace and justice in cultures of…

Father’s Day Offering for Ukraine

We are raising funds to send urgently needed medical supplies to a clinic in Ukraine, in particular, wireless ultrasound machines to help assess wounded men, women, and children. Each device costs $3,000, and the clinic needs three. Our fundraising goal is $10,000. Give online or by check made payable to BPC with “Ukraine” in the memo line. Please put checks in the offering plate or mail them to 5690 Oak Leather Drive, Burke, VA 22015. We are also collecting certain…

Tumaini Orphan Care Fundraiser

This post was written by Susan Kipp. Burke Presbyterian Church and Clifton Presbyterian Church have supported the Tumaini Orphan Care Program (TOCP) in Kibwezi, Kenya, since 2004. Help us continue this important work! Support our annual Mother’s Day fundraiser. Our goal this year is $18,000. (It takes about $600 to support one child per year.) Consider giving in honor of the mother figures in your life who have made a difference to you! Tumaini means HOPE in Kiswahili. HOPE is…

Bikes for the World Collection Report

This report was written by Earl Smith. The Bikes for the World (BFW) collection sponsored by both St Mary’s Catholic Church and Burke Presbyterian Church on Saturday, April 22 was a great success. We collected 95 bikes and 2 sewing machines.  The bikes will be part of the next shipment going to Rwanda in the near future. BFW can usually get about 450 to 500 bikes in a shipping container. The BFW rep who picked up our bikes recently returned from a…

ECHO’s Client-Choice Room

ECHO has changed its model of food distribution to be more like a shopping experience. Clients are given guidelines on their quantity of items based on family size, and then they make individual selections in a “mini-mart” setting. Last Thursday evening, juice, instant coffee, olive oil and mayonnaise shelves were bare. Some of the most expensive items, these are often the first to go. And it wasn’t long before supplies of canned fruit, corn and mixed vegetables, bags of red…

Special Offering for Malawi

Special Offering for Malawi through April 30 Our congregation has had, and continues to have, a vital relationship with the people of Malawi through financial and spiritual support of medical and educational mission co-workers. Now our friends again need our help. Cyclone Freddy, perhaps the worst on record for most accumulated cyclone energy (ACE), a measure based on a storm’s wind strength over its lifetime, severely affected Malawi in March, causing massive death and destruction.  After the storm ripped through…

Food for ECHO – the need continues

Lent offers a time to take on a spiritual practice. You might consider donating food to ECHO as a way to respond to the call to “Feed my sheep.” If you don’t have time this week to check out the Most Needed items at echo-inc.org or can’t visualize examples that have recently been displayed on the communion table, please remember this: Most ECHO clients request flour or masa, sugar, canned fruit, and instant coffee or tea. Add one or two of these…

One Great Hour of Sharing

This Sunday, March 26, Palm Sunday, April 2, and Easter Sunday, April 9, we will receive the One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) offering. Around the world, millions of people lack access to sustainable food sources, clean water, sanitation, education and opportunity. Three programs supported by OGHS — Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of the People — all work in different ways to serve individuals and communities in need. From initial disaster response to ongoing community development,…

March Mission Madness Recap

Thanks to everyone who answered the call to join us for March Mission Madness! Your service always matters and we’re grateful that you took part.  The madness began at 8:00 am on Saturday, March 11, when teams of youth and adults (60+ people) traveled to different service sites across the DMV. They  built benches, prepared/handed out food, organized items in a warehouse, and tackled a variety of odd jobs for an animal rescue center. Then, on Sunday, March 12, they gathered…

New ideas for ECHO food donations

Need a new idea for ECHO food donations?  Think canned fish and meat. Clients are selecting their food in a mini-market setting and gratefully accept a wide variety of these shelf-stable proteins. Most popular: sardines and Spam. A full list of “most needed” items is available at www.echo-inc.org. Please place your contributions in the mission center cabinet across from the kitchen. We deliver them early each week. ECHO (Ecumenical Community Helping Others) assists residents of Burke and Springfield suffering the effects of…

NoVA RAFT Wish List

NoVA RAFT (Resettling Afghan Families Together) has added to and updated their Amazon wish list for two more families who will finally be moving from a hotel to their own homes. If you have furniture to donate, please email Tammy@novaraft.org with photos. NoVA RAFT is a grassroots coalition of neighbors committed to supporting newly arrived Afghan allies as they join our community. NoVA RAFT’s volunteer team consists of teens, adults, and community groups. Their activities include raising awareness, collecting and providing in-kind donations…

Little Free Pantry Opportunity

Join us in keeping our Free Little Pantry Full! Build by BPC member Jack Marin for his Eagle Scout project, this pantry is designed to help us serve our neighbors with simple items to grab and go.  You can learn more about the Nationwide Little Pantry Organization at www.littlefreepantry.org. You are invited sign up as a group, family or individual for a month or a week at a time. Contact the church office for information on how to sign up. It is…