Latest News (Page 4)

BPC Preschool now accepting applications for enrollment

Burke Presbyterian Church Preschool is now accepting applications to enroll for the 2024-2025 school year. Express your interest and request a tour by completing an interest form on the preschool’s website. BPC Preschool provides a child-centered developmental program for young children ages 3 through 6. The school focuses on creating a loving and caring atmosphere in which each child is encouraged to develop as a unique person with a positive self-image.   For more information, visit, send an email to…

Help Restock ECHO’s Food Room

ECHO continues to need more food than it receives in donations. Their January collection was low due to two snow days and the holiday closure. Please consider adding some of these items that are in low supply: canned meat, tinned fish, instant coffee, spaghetti sauce, honey, condiments, onion and garlic powder, salt, lemon juice, evaporated and condensed milk, and juice. Please place your gifts in the mission center cabinet across from the kitchen; we will deliver them early each week.…

One Great Hour of Sharing

Starting February 14 through March 31, Easter Sunday, we will receive the One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) offering. You can contribute online and by check made payable to BPC, noting “OGHS” in the memo line. Around the world, millions of people lack access to sustainable food sources, clean water, sanitation, education and opportunity. Three programs supported by OGHS — Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of the People — all work in different ways to serve individuals…

Lent 2024

This Lent, we are focusing on the life and faith of one of Jesus’ most famous disciples. In Peter, we see a person who is both steadfast and unsteady, a dear friend and a betrayer, a follower and a wanderer. In Peter, we often see ourselves. By following Peter’s journey, we watch the story of Jesus unfold through the eyes of a very normal human trying to figure it all out—just like us. We hope you will join us for…

2023 Annual Report

The 2023 Annual Report of Burke Presbyterian Church is published annually. Read the 2023 Annual Report The 2023 Annual Report contains Paper copies are available in the Gathering Space. If you would like to receive a paper copy by US mail, contact the church office at 703-764-0456 or

February/March Exploring Membership Classes

You’re invited to explore membership at Burke Presbyterian Church! If you have been attending BPC for awhile or are brand new here, we hope you are finding your time with us meaningful, inspiring, challenging, and even fun. Searching for and visiting any new church can feel awkward or uncertain; we hope you have met some great people and found places to fit in and get connected. If you are thinking about joining BPC or just want to learn more about…

Annual Congregational Meeting

The 56th Annual Meeting of Burke Presbyterian Church will take place on Sunday, January 28, at 12:30pm, along with a chili cookoff. We will reflect on the past year, discuss the 2024 budget, elect new officers, and express appreciation for the leaders who are rotating off of Session and the Board of Deacons. For more information, contact the church office at 703-764-0456 or

Job Opening: Handbell Choir Director

Burke Presbyterian Church (BPC) is seeking an experienced and organized musician to direct a 12-member handbell choir. Background in handbells and a willingness to teach ringers of all levels are required. Instruments include three octaves of Malmark handbells and four octaves of Malmark choirchimes. Salary is $3,000-$4,000 per year, based on experience and rehearsal schedule, for an average of 9-16 hours per month, from September through May. Position is available and open until filled. BPC is an equal opportunity employer. Handbell…

Christmas Eve Services

Please join us for a service on Christmas Eve! On December 24, 2023, we will hold one service in the morning and three services in the evening. The 10:00am and 9:00pm services will also be offered online. Childcare will not be available on Christmas Eve. Children are welcome in the Meeting House during any/all worship services. Families who would like to be in a separate area are invited to worship in the Gathering Space, where quiet activities and toys for…

Sunday Morning Worship on 12/24 and 12/31

In the morning on Sunday, December 24, 2023, and on Sunday, December 31, 2023, Burke Presbyterian Church will hold one worship service, at 10:00am, in person in the Meeting House and online. Childcare will not be available on December 24. Children are welcome in the Meeting House during any/all worship services. Families who would like to be in a separate area are invited to worship in the Gathering Space, where quiet activities and toys for children will be available. A…

Advent and Christmas Eve at BPC

Please join us during Advent and on Christmas Eve! We’ve planned some special worship services, festive holiday gatherings and celebrations, and lots of opportunities to help our neighbors. For details, see our Events Calendar and an excerpt from our latest newsletter, Special Mission Projects During Advent. Please contact the church office, at 703-764-0456 or, for more information.

Advent 2023 Newsletter

The New Leaf, a newsletter of Burke Presbyterian Church members and friends, is published periodically. Read the Advent 2023 issue. The Advent 2023 issue contains Paper copies are available in the Gathering Space. If you would like to receive a paper copy by US mail, contact the church office at 703-764-0456 or